In August 1969, outlaw bikers murdered a young couple at their abandoned amusement park-turned-clubhouse, and those same bikers may be responsible for the unsolved murders of two sisters in August 1968 as well. While two of the men involved died in prison, it’s likely that two more killers were allowed to walk free.
In November 1992, Sara Tokars and her two small children return home late at night only to be met by an intruder with a gun. What did he want? Why was he there? Listen to the story of how greed and a thirst for power brought ruin and murder to one young Georgia family.
What happens to victims who aren’t killed or visibly injured, but who are left in the wake of a crime? What happened to Columbine survivor Brandi Jo Malonson, who was last seen around Christmas 2006? Who killed her friends and classmates Nick Kunselman and Stephanie Hart-Grizzell less than a year after Columbine?
This is the story featured on the first episode of Snapped. Celeste Beard Johnson was tried for the murder of her husband in Texas. Did she do it or was she set up by her twin daughters and lesbian lover? Listen and decide for yourself.
Google “Dominique Dunne” and you’ll see references to the movie Poltergeist and her tragic death. Some results include her murder as evidence of a curse associated with the Poltergeist film series. But beneath this clickbait is an all too familiar story about domestic violence escalating to murder.